Sunday, July 28, 2019

Goodbye Mexico, Hello Guatemala!

    I got up very early to catch my 7 AM flight out to Guatemala City on July 14. It took almost 5 hours and a connecting flight, but I made it into my next country by lunchtime. I grabbed lunch at the airport and made my way by taxi towards my hotel, Casa W'ies. I spent most of my first day just wandering around the city too tired to do much else at the time. 
La Aurora Zoo (Zoólogico la Aurora)
A jaguar at the La Aurora Zoo

    The next day, my first stop was the La Aurora Zoo, considered one of the best zoos in all of Central America. It was so amazing to witness all the different exotic species of animals that aren't usually present in American zoos. Overall, the zoo is broken up into four sections: Africa, Asia, Granita, and American. Some of my favorite animals were the helodermas, also known as Gila monsters. Not only are they a very interesting reptile to see up close, but the zoo does a wonderful job in protecting the two species native to Guatemala as they are considered an endangered species. 

    Some other attractions I was able to check out while in Guatemala City included the Plaza de la Constitución, the National Palace, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Popol Vuh Museum, and the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. One really cool attraction I visited was the largest theme park in all of Central America, IRTRA Mundo Petapa. 

Things to Do in Guatemala: Visit Theme Park IRTRA Petapa ...
IRTRA Mundo Petapa's iconic rainbow arches accompanied by some fun performers

    I had a blast at the amusement park, going on a plethora of rides while also checking out Guatemalan history in other sections of the park. It even featured a zoo and botanical gardens! My favorite moment was the incredible view over Guatemala City and the land surrounding it from the top of the towering ferris wheel. This capped off a wonderful excursion to Guatemala City.

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